Hot-water heating system
Lubricate pump and motor;
bleed air from radiators or convectors
Forced warm-air heating
Vacuum heat exchanger
surfaces; clean and lubricate blower blades and motor; check fan belt
tension and adjust if necessary; replace cracked or worn belt, check for
leaks and repair if necessary
Gas burner heating system
Clean burners and ports
Oil burner heating system
Have professionally serviced;
lubricate fan and motor bearings
Clean heat sensor, contact
points, and contacts; check accuracy and replace if necessary
Garage doors
Clean and lubricate hinges,
rollers, and tracks; tighten screws
Check grading for proper
slope away from foundation wall
Trim back all tree limbs and
vegetation away from roof
Steam Heating
For steam heating, check
shut-off valve for leaks and drain lower water cut-off per manufacturer's
Inspect root surface,
flashing, eaves, and soffits; repair if necessary