The Tool Barn

Kitchen Wall Tile

Installing wall tile in the kitchen between the backsplash and the wall cabinets is an easy task to accomplish.  Tile stands up to the necessary cleaning behind a range or cutting board better than paint and is very economical.

To start with, we have to make a few design decisions.   The first one is to select the tile that appeals to you.  This is the part of the project that I can't help you with.  Unless I receive orders to the contrary, I normally stick with white or off-white.  The color you choose for the grout should complement the tile color.  I normally go with (big surprise) off-white.  Others like a dark grout to make the grout lines stand out.

The third design decision is the space that you will allow between the tile.  I prefer tight grout lines in the kitchen (1/16") but wider lines (1/8" - 3/16") in the bath.  The width of the grout line will determine whether you need sanded or non-sanded grout.  Non-sanded grout should only be used when the grout will fill a gap 3/16" or smaller.  Sanded grout may also be used on 3/16" grout lines but nothing smaller.


Mixing grout with a helper

Mixing grout with a helper

Level of Difficulty

Time Required:
 4 hours
Sponge float
Notched trowel
Tile cutter
Work gloves


Wall tile
Mastic adhesive
Safety Precautions
Cut tile edges can be very sharp.

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