The Tool Barn

Toe Nail the Stud

The studs are toe nailed into the sill plate using four 8 or 10d nails.  Larger nails will tend to split the stud.  Use your foot or a temporary nail to hold the stud in place while toe nailing.  The temporary nail is driven into the sill about 3/4" on the opposite side of the stud at a 80 degree angle to the floor.  The toe nail should be driven in at about 60 degrees from the floor

Fastening the Sill Plate

With the wall in place, the sill plate needs to be secured to the concrete.  There are several options here.  The simplest is cement nails.  Simply pound these in, but be sure to keep your safety glasses on.  For a stronger grip, you can use special concrete screws.  These require a pilot hole in the concrete and a shaft hole drilled in the sill. If bolts were embedded into the concrete when poured, these are the strongest and allow a large washer and must to be through bolted.  For fast installation, power guns are used to fire an explosive and drive a stud nail into the concrete.

Don't forget about inspections.  Be sure to have all rough carpentry inspected before you start hanging drywall!

Toe nail the stud

Toe nail the stud

Fasteners for sill plate

Fasteners for sill plate

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